Monday, September 15, 2008

Ike- You Shouldn't Have

Remnants of Hurricane Ike passed by yesterday, knocking on our door with 60 - 70 mph gusts of winds. We sat in church while the winds howled and the power flickered. It sounded like there was a helicopter landing on top of our church. A sliding glass door to the church blew off. But the large brick building remained unharmed. We drove around looking at the trees down, power lines down, the roof of the gas station had fallen on a truck filling up with gas. Our neighbor called us to see if we were home. Oh no, I knew it would be bad news. My first thought was it was our trees. Sure enough I was right. We arrived home to see several of our trees snapped and one large tree on our neighbors property laying across our yard, just missing our shed by a few feet. We had no power for 6 hours, so the kids had to occupy themselves with games and homework. About 5 hours after the hard winds started they died down and the neighbors began to emerge from their homes to access the storm damage. I, of course, emerged with my camera. Here are some photos of our yard, as well as our schools that were affected. Needless to say they cancelled school today. Look at the right side of the picture and you will see Dennis. This shows how massive this tree is
When the tree fell, it hit a few of our trees. It split this one right down the middle.

A view of our yard from the fallen tree. Thank goodness it was way in the back and far from our house. And praise the Lord that the trees near our house are still standing!

The lightpost in our front yard also fell in the high winds

Our utility trailer is pretty much burried
It's a massive mess of branches out there

The wind blew the top of this tree right off. It's now laying in the creek.

Our side yard
Side yard looking toward our house
The fence that is around the High School football field is now on the ground
This is Logan's Jr. High school. It picked up the roofing shingles and turned them back over the building like a page in a book.

All this, and not a single drop of rain!


Janelle said...

I'm sorry you lost so many trees, Jodie! I'm glad that your house wasn't damaged, at least....

duchess said...

Boy am I glad your house didn't get any of that tree damage.
Those hurricanes can be rough.

We lost some pecan trees in Wilson once when one blew thru.

Have fun cleaning all of that up.
How did your parents fair?

Lori said...

To lose all those trees is heartbreaking...but at least your home was unscathed. Trees of that size cannot be replaced during our lifetime. After every heavy rain we hang out by the creek bank and account for all our trees. Fortunately we weren't flooded this time round. Looks like you'll be putting those boys to work!

Katie said...

yikes I guess it's good I don't have many trees!