Thursday, March 17, 2011

Irish Blessings

Some say they believe in the Luck o' the Irish.  I'm more in line to appreciate an Irish Blessing over luck.
Here are some lovely Irish Blessings I found online today.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Bless This House
Bless this house, o Lord, we pray.
Make it safe by night and day.
Bless these walls so firm and stout,
Keeping want and trouble out.
Bless the roof and chimney tall,
Let thy peace lie over all.
Bless the doors that they may prove
Ever open to joy and love.
Bless the windows shining bright,
Letting in God's heavenly light.
Bless the hearth a-blazing there,
With smoke ascending like a prayer.
Bless the people here within...
Keep them pure and free from sin.
Bless us all, that one day, we
May be fit, O lord, to dwell with Thee.

Thank You for blessing us with a warm, cozy home Lord.

Irish Marriage Blessing
May God be with you and bless you.
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortunes
and rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward.

This is the wall in our living room where I have our family photos.  Thank you Lord for such a wonderful husband and children.

From Saint Patrick's Breastplate
Christ be with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ in me
Christ beneath me
Christ above me
Christ on my right
Christ on my left
Christ where I lie
Christ where I sit
Christ where I arise
Christ in the heart of every man
who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of every man
who speaks of me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every ear that hears me
Salvation is of the Lord.

Thank you Lord for your word that guides me daily and for the freedom to worship how and where I like.

May the blessing of the rain be on you—
the soft sweet rain.
May it fall upon your spirit
so that all the little flowers may spring up,
and shed their sweetness on the air.
May the blessing of the great rains be on you,
may they beat upon your spirit
and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there many a shining pool
where the blue of heaven shines,
and sometimes a star.

It is beginning to look like spring here in Southern Indiana.  I looked outside and saw the crocus beginning to bloom.  Spring reminds me of new beginnings.  God's mercy (his willingness to forgive us daily for our sins), are new beginnings we can have each and every day.

Today is the first day of the March Joy of Luck photography assignment.
Today's focus is on opportunity/experience/something you have/do EVERYDAY that is an unforeseen blessing in your life. 

And one more, just for fun......

May the frost never afflict your spuds.
May the leaves of your cabbage always be free from worms.
May the crows never pick your haystack.
If you inherit a donkey, may she be in foal.

1 comment:

Katie said...

love the blog redo. sending you more blessings.